Head of Department
Mr Chow Poh Boon
Subject Head
Ms. Tracy Huang
Mr Elangovan (Year Head)
Mr Khairul Adli (School Staff Developer)
Miss Judy Ng (Master Teacher CCE)
Mr Daniel Tan (Assistant Year Head)
Miss Serina Tan (Assistant Year Head)
Mrs Rachel Chan (Subject Head CCE)
Ms. Lynn Yeo (Subject Head CCE)
Miss Uma Magheswary (SH Student Leadership)
Mr Aaron Yeo
Mdm Goh Lay Hoon
Mdm Jessica Heng
Mdm Rebecca Ho
Miss Wee Swee Kee
Mdm Vanessa Ng
Mdm Zalina
Mr Bryan Mar Song Cheng
Mr John Koh
Mr Foong Foo Kong
HS Enrichment Programme :
To provide students with opportunity to apply mathematics concepts to
solve problems in Real World Context and to develop critical thinking skills
through our level programmes:
Sec 1 Data handling
Sec 2 Maths Escape
Sec 1 to 3 Maths Real World Challenge
Sec 3 POA Investment Game
HS Maths Talent Programme:
• To identify and nurture Hougeans with an aptitude for Mathematics/POA/CPA
• To stretch pupils with higher ability in Mathematics (HPL) and instill
in them a passion for solving non-routine problems.
2023 Animation and Game Making Competition 1 Bronze Award, 1 Certificate of Participation

2023 Lower Secondary Mathematics Competition

2023 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2 Silvers, 10 Bronzes and 8 Honorable

2023 All Singapore Secondary Mathematics Competition for Normal Course

HS Maths ICT Programme
Infusion of ICT into Maths and POA lessons to enhance the learning of Maths and POA
Provide students with opportunities to
• become responsible Net Savvy netizens
• develop 21st CC (i.e. Communication, Collaboration and information skills)