Pupil Management
Hougang Secondary School adopts a whole-school holistic approach in managing school discipline with the aim of instilling self-discipline in our pupils. As a community, all Hougeans are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner that promotes a conducive environment for learning. Overall, the rules and regulations are designed to create a safe and secure environment for students to learn and teachers to carry out their duties.
The Pupil Management Department carries out reflection sessions (adapted from the Restorative Approach) with the students to address misbehaviour and guide students to think responsibly, reflect on their actions and come up with solutions. Consequences for offences are accompanied by reflections so that students can understand the rationale for the punishment and learn to be responsible for their own actions.
HOD/Pupil Management |
Mr Low Yi En |
SH/Pupil Management |
Mdm Amalina Abdul Samad |
Sec 1 Discipline Level Coordinator |
Mr Vicknesh Mrs Jeannie Pan |
Sec 2 Discipline Level Coordinator |
Mr Sean Oh Boon Chong Ms. Siti Nurhizah Mohamed Hassan |
Sec 3 Discipline Level Coordinator |
Mr Rio Elijah Chua Mr Ezra Toh |
Sec 4/5 Discipline Level Coordinator |
Mr Ng Wee Chung Mdm Azlinah Bte Wahed |
The school rules provide guidelines for acceptable student behaviour and conduct. They are designed to help students cultivate a set of positive behaviour that will empower them to learn in a safe and meaningful environment. Every student is expected to be familiar and comply with these stipulated rules. These rules apply within the school premises and at all other school-organised activities held outside the school.
Respect for our Nation and School
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with their right fist placed over the heart.
Respect for our Personal and School Property
Students are to keep every part of the school clean.
Students are to take good care of all school property and keep them clean at all times.
Students can only enter special rooms with the supervision of a teacher. Students must observe the rules and regulations governing the use of these rooms and the equipment in them.
Students are to report any equipment fault to the relevant parties promptly.
Students are to return all borrowed items to the appropriate parties promptly and in good condition.
Students must be responsible and accountable for safekeeping of their personal belongings. The school will not be held liable for any loss.
Attendance and Punctuality
Students must observe punctuality at all times for all school-related activities.
Students are required to be seated at the stipulated reporting venue by 7.30 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and by 8.30 a.m. on Wednesday
If a student is unable to attend school because he/she is unwell, he/she should submit the medical certificate (only from MOH-registered clinics) to the Character Coach the following school day.
Students who like to apply leave from school must submit their parent’s request to the Principal, at least 2 weeks in advance. Taking leave during term time for local or overseas holiday is not allowed and will be considered as absence without valid reason.
Morning Assembly
Students are to observe silence during morning assembly once the school personnel-in-charge/student leader takes his/her position.
Students are expected to bring the appropriate reading materials and do silent reading every morning.
Students are to return to their classroom in an orderly manner at the end of the morning assembly.
Curriculum Time
The school emphasizes on the 5As (Attendance, Attire, Attitude, Activities, Attention) as follows:
Students are to be present and punctual for all classes.
Students must obtain permission pass from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
Students must obtain written permission from the Character Coach before leaving school during curriculum time.
Students are to ensure attire and grooming is right.
Students must not bring things that are not relevant to the curriculum and/or the learning process. For example, game/ trading cards and sharp objects (including scissors with sharp points).
Students are to demonstrate the GREAT values and Social Skills in class.
Students are not allowed to purchase or consume food during curriculum time.
Students are to ensure learning environment is clean.
Students to have their learning materials (including Personal Learning Device) ready before lessons.
Students are to participate actively during lesson.
“Screens down” – Students to focus on teacher and put PLD in sleep mode
“Screens up”- Students to begin/continue with learning activity using PLD
Students are to move in an orderly and quiet manner when moving from one classroom to another during curriculum time.
Students must complete and submit all homework promptly and neatly.
Students are to stand up and greet their teachers before the commencement of lesson and at the end of lesson.
Students to pay full attention to teacher.
Recess Time/Snack Break
Students are to leave their classrooms quietly and in an orderly manner so as not to disturb classes that are having lessons during recess.
Students must not remain in class or loiter around the classrooms and special rooms.
Students are to queue up to purchase food and drinks.
Students are to purchase and consume all food and drinks in the canteen during recess time.
Students must return all utensils, cutlery, empty cups, etc. to the receptacles provided by the vendors.
Students must help to maintain cleanliness in the canteen.
Students are to engage in sports-related activities only at designated areas.
Students are to return back to class quickly and quietly five minutes before the end of recess time.
Students may bring light, healthy snacks with them and consume in class during the snack break.
During the snack break, students are not allowed to go to the canteen to purchase food.
Students must take ownership in ensuring good hygiene practices during the snack break to keep their classrooms clean and conducive for learning e.g. proper disposal of the wrappers from the consumption of the snacks.
The no-usage of mobile phone rule applies during snack break period.
Acceptable items for snack break |
Unacceptable items for snack break |
Fried Food
Weekly Assembly
Students are to move quickly and quietly to the hall.
Students are to observe silence when they are in the hall at all times.
Students are to be seated with their class neatly in a row.
Students must show respect towards all speakers and/or performers by paying attention.
After Dismissal
Students must not loiter in public areas such as shopping malls, playgrounds and void decks after school.
Students must behave in a respectable manner and uphold the school values at all times.
Possession of weapons and weapon-like items
Students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones may be used only before 7.30am and after the last period of curriculum time (2.40pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2.30pm on Wednesdays and 12.30pm on Fridays).
Students will not be allowed to use their mobile phones during recess.
Students are to store their phones in their personal lockers before 7.30am and to retrieve it after the last period of curriculum time (2.40pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2.30pm on Wednesdays and 12.30pm on Fridays).
During curriculum time, mobile phones are to always be out of sight. This includes during the change-over of lessons and while students are walking along the corridor.
Phone use is also prohibited during CCA and Structured Consultation Time.
Students can only use the mobile phones for learning purposes when permission is given by a school staff.
If the mobile phone policy is violated, the mobile phone will be confiscated immediately and kept under lock and key in the General Office. For the first and second offence (for the year), the phone will be confiscated up till 5pm on that day. For the third offence and above (for the year), confiscated mobile phones will be returned only after 5 school days. For example, if a mobile phone is confiscated on Monday in Term 1 Week 1, the phone will be returned after 5 full school days of confiscation, which is on Friday in Term 1 Week 1.
An information form will be issued to student. Confiscated mobile phone will be returned only after 5 school days with a signed parent’s reply slip.
Responsibilities in using Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) in HS
Students are responsible for their PLDs. The school will not be held responsible for any damage, theft or loss of their devices. In the event of loss or theft of devices, students must make a police report and report the matter to the school.
The PLDs are intended for use every day at school. Students must be responsible for bringing their PLDs to all classes.
Students should bring their PLDs home with them at the end of every school day.
Students should not use the school’s electrical power to charge their PLDs. Students should ensure that their PLDs are fully charged before bringing them to school. Students are responsible for securely storing the PLDs in the common storage facility when they are not in use for learning purposes. Under no circumstance should PLDs be stored in unsupervised areas. Unsupervised areas include the school grounds, canteen, library, special rooms, toilets or any other entity that is not securely locked or in which there is no supervision.
Students’ PLDs are installed with device management software. When enrolled, the software will manage students’ device usage based on settings determined by the school. Students should not attempt to uninstall or de-enroll themselves from the software. Any violation might lead to disciplinary action in accordance to the school’s discipline policy.
Students are responsible for using school-owned ICT facilities, equipment and resources for the purpose of learning. Personal use such as gaming and engaging in social media platforms is strictly prohibited.
Students are responsible for any resource that is borrowed from school for the duration of the loan. The student will bear the cost of damage, theft or loss due to negligence and face disciplinary action in accordance to the school’s discipline policy.
Students should always use respectful and appropriate language on cyberspace. Students should not transmit any material that is profane, obscene, abusive, or offensive to others.
Students may be selected at random to provide the PLDs for inspection. The purpose for inspection is to check for proper care and maintenance, and for inappropriate material carried into the school.
Use of PLDs for personal use (e.g.: watching shows/using social media) is not allowed in school.
Students are responsible and accountable for all activities conducted via their own account.
Students are responsible for the security of their account IDs and passwords. All account IDs and passwords should not be shared with anyone.
Student should change their passwords every 3 months. Failure to do so would constitute as negligence.
Students are to use their full name as stated in their EZlink cards for all account IDs. Aliases, nicknames and pseudonyms are not allowed.
Students should not use school-owned computing devices for any online trade (i.e. buying and selling of goods and services).
Students should not use devices to store, modify or create content (e.g. documents, presentations, pictures, videos) that is pornographic or defamatory in nature.
Email & Social Media
Students should not post or share any indecent, obscene, pornographic, defamatory material/message that offends and causes distress to other people.
Students are reminded that threats, harassment, embarrassment, impersonation and intimidation to others is a chargeable offence under Singapore Legal System.
Students are expected to remain courteous and polite in all online interactions.
Privacy and Safety
Students should not reveal their personal details (e.g. phone number, home address, NRIC, passwords, or passwords of other people) openly online.
If students inadvertently access a website that contains obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive material, notify a trusted adult (e.g. parents or teachers) immediately.
Any attempt to alter data, the configuration of a computer, or the files of another user, without the consent of the individual, is an act of vandalism and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with school’s discipline policy.
Students should not go into any chat room other than those set up or mandated by your teacher. Private chatting during class without permission is not allowed.
Intellectual Property
Students should not access, download, copy or share any copyrighted materials (such as pictures, videos, music) without explicit permission from the owner.
Students should not own, copy or share software in an unauthorized or illegal manner.
The rights of all materials and data created using the school’s ICT facilities and resources are jointly owned by the school and the student.
Plagiarism is a violation of the school’s discipline code. Students should give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet such as graphics, movies, music, and text.
All students are required to abide by the rules stated above on the usage of learning devices. Violation of any rules may result in confiscation of personal devices for five school days (inclusive of the day of confiscation) and other disciplinary actions, as decided by the Pupil Management Department.
Attire and Grooming Guidelines
Students are to wear
the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
For Male Students

Boys’ hairstyle should be neat and short.
Fringe when combed down must not be touching the eyebrows.
Sideburns should not touch the tip of the ears or cover the ears.
Hair at the back of the neck should be sloped and above the collar.
Outlandish hairstyle (e.g. Mohawk, overlap, extremely high slope, side shave) are not allowed.
All male students must be clean-shaven at all times. Moustache and beards are not allowed.
Dyeing of hair is not allowed.
Pants should not be altered to look tapered, baggy or of inappropriate length.
Name tag should be seen at all times.
School tie to be worn at all times within the school premises.
For Female Students

Long hair must be tied up neatly.
Girls with shoulder-length hair or hair touching the collar must tie up their hair at all times.
Fringe touching the eyebrows must be pinned up using a black pin.
Only simple black hair accessories are allowed.
Dyeing of hair is not allowed.
Skorts’ length should touch the knee cap.
Name tag should be seen at all times.
School tie to be worn at all times within the school premises.
School Uniform/ Grooming |
● Students are to wear their prescribed school uniform without any alteration
when reporting for, attending and leaving school and school events.
PE Attire |
● HS PE attire (both t-shirt and shorts) must be worn during all PE lessons.
Shoes and Socks |
● Only school shoes which are predominantly white in colour are allowed.
Cosmetics and Fingernails |
● Use of cosmetics is not allowed.
Accessories |
● Jewellery, rings, friendship or coloured bands, bracelets, anklets or
any cosmetic ornaments are not to be worn.
Contact Lenses and Spectacle Frames |
● Coloured or fanciful contact lenses are not allowed.
Wearable Technologies |
● Wearable technologies such as Smart Watches with features such as camera
and video recording functions and other internet-enabled features are not
allowed during all weighted assessments and examinations.
Description of Offences
Offence Type |
Offence |
Description |
Attendance |
Late coming
Late arrival to school after 0730 h.
Skipping Classes |
Absence from formal lessons without a valid reason |
Misconduct |
Improper attire and grooming |
Not abiding by the school rules on attire and grooming |
Dropping or leaving rubbish within and outside school premises |
Not doing
Not handing in class work, homework and project work neatly, promptly and punctually. |
Use of vulgarities
Verbalising vulgar language within and outside school |
Unauthorised use of mobile phones/electronic devices |
Violation of the mobile phone policy |
Breaching of safe management measures |
Violation of safe management measures (e.g. not maintaining safe-distancing guidelines, not wearing masks) |
Offence Type |
Offence |
Description |
Attendance |
Leaving school
Leaving school premises without permission within school hours |
Absence from school without a valid reason on school days |
Misconduct |
Cheating in assessments/ tests/exams |
Possession of unauthorised materials and/or notes. Copying from others, allowing others to copy, tampering with marks |
Forging signatures, medical certificates, consent forms, etc. with the intention to deceive |
Open defiance and rudeness |
Display of rudeness and disrespect in speech or actions |
Bullying (including verbal and cyber bullying) |
Hurting, intimidating or slandering others using power and strength in person or through other electronic forms like emails, mobile phones and other social networking websites. |
Disruptive Behaviour |
Act or conduct which interferes the smooth running of class or school events |
Abuse of Technology
Improper, unlawful, or incorrect use of information communications and
Theft / Damage of Property |
Planting explosives or setting property on fire, whether attempted or actual |
Stealing school property or property belonging to others |
Vandalism |
Wilful and malicious destruction of personal, school or public property, including writing graffiti |
Other Serious Offences |
Violence against others regardless of whether or not any injury has been sustained |
Confrontation between individuals or opposing groups with the intention to harm using bodily force or weapons |
Gambling |
Using money or its equivalent in games, betting, etc. |
Gang assault / threat / harassment / extortion / money laundering, whether actual or attempted |
Consumption / possession / distribution / sale of pornographic materials |
Possession of Weapons |
Possession of objects which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others. This includes paper cutter and scissors with sharp edges |
Possession of lighters/matches |
Use / possession of lighters/matches |
Smoking |
Smoking/Vaping Use/possession/distribution/sale of cigarettes/e-cigarettes/Vape devices and accessories |
Substance abuse |
Use / possession / distribution / sale of alcohol, drugs, inhalants |
Sexual abuse / Molestation |
Any verbal or physical (including consensual or forced) acts of sexual misconduct |
Outrage of Modesty |
Any verbal or gestures intended to “insult the modesty” of any women |
Trespass any rooms or areas that are out of bounds to students |
Causing public nuisance/Participating in activities that tarnish the school image (including intimate behaviour) |
Engaging in activities in public that tarnish the school image |
Any other serious offence that do not fall in the above categories |
- |
NOTE: Students who have committed any major offence will receive a ‘Fair’ or ‘Poor’ conduct grade for that semester. Repeated minor offences will also be classified as a major offence. He/she will be given a “Fair” or “Poor” conduct grade which means that he/she will not be eligible for any application of awards, scholarships, bursaries, etc. The offence records will also be updated in the Ministry of Education’s School Cockpit Student Offence Module (SOM).
Table 1 below describes the possible consequences which will be applied to students who exhibit behaviour that does not support the school’s values. While the sequence/stages of various disciplinary consequences outlined below in Table 1 serve as a reference point, the administration of the school disciplinary action and final decision will depend on the situation in which the offence was committed, its nature and its severity.
In addition to the consequences outlined in Table 1, when applicable, the school will also implement corrective measures (outlined below in Table 2) to help students understand both the consequences of their actions and the right values on which their actions should be based on. Corrective measures are a form of deterrence and a way to teach students to respect the school, the school staff and their peers. It is student-centric in its aim to help them change for the better.