Vice Principal Meets Parents For Secondary 3
Dear parents/guardians,
Below, are the slide that were presented to you during the PMP for Sec 3 on 27 Jan 2024.
Questions raised during Q&A segment.
Area |
Question |
KP |
Answer |
How much screen time is acceptable? |
Mrs Lee Yuzhen |
In this digital age, the availability of screen devices and their uses for learning and social interaction have rapidly expanded over recent years. At the moment, there is limited evidence of what constitutes a safe time limit for screen use. Instead, parental supervision and collaborating with children to adopt healthy screen habits helps to prevent uncontrolled, excessive and unhealthy screen practices. The key lies in achieving balance. It is also necessary to draw up agreement with your child on the maximum daily screen time for recreational use. We include this advisory on screen use provided by MOH for your reference. ( We will continue to guide our students on managing their learning and recreation activities on their PLDs, and remind them to have sufficient sleep, eat healthily and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. |
Internationalisation |
(1) How does the school select students for the internationalisation programme? (2) Can the school provide the tentative travel dates of the trips? (3) What about the payment for the Internationalisation trips? |
Hulin / Martini |
This year, we have scheduled three overseas trips. The Cambodia and Vietnam trips are planned for the end of semester 1, and the Thailand trip is scheduled for the end of semester 2. The tentative dates for the various trips are: Vietnam – 25 May to 29 May 2024 Cambodia – 25 May to 29 May 2024 Thailand – 26 Oct to 30 Oct 2024 30 Secondary 3 students will travel to Cambodia, and another 30 Secondary 3 students will travel to Vietnam. The trip to Thailand is intended as a sports development trip. Therefore, it is organised for Secondary 3 and Secondary 2 students who hold positions as Sports Leaders or CCA Leaders, or who are members in sports CCAs. 30 students will be chosen for this trip. We will conduct briefings to the relevant cohort of students for the trips to share with them details of the internationalisation programme. Information about the trip will also be shared with parents through PG, to allow parents to engage in discussions with your child. After the briefing, an online application form will be shared. Interested students will need to seek approval from parents and complete the online application form. Through this process, students will express their interest and share their motivations for the trip. The class Character Coaches, Subject teachers/ CCA teachers, Year Heads will review each application. Factors such as the student’s motivation for the trip, enthusiasm for learning and diversity will be considered. Once the selection process is complete, all applicants will be notified of the outcome through the student’s ICON email. Parents will co-pay 50% of the trip and/ or programme cost to emphasise their responsibility for and commitment to their children’s participation in internationalisation while schools will subsidise the remaining 50%. Parents can choose to tap on your child’s existing Edusave funds for the trip. If there are insufficient funds in the Edusave account, the balance can be paid using cash. For students under the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme, parents will co-pay 20% while the school will provide a subsidy of 80%. Singapore PR / International Students will have to pay 100% of the trip/ programme cost. |
NRIC Registration |
(1) For the NRIC registration, what if the student is not in Singapore? (2) What time does the student need to be in school on 11 March for the NRIC registration? How long will the process take? |
Jolin |
Students who missed the NRIC registration exercise in school on 11 March
2024 (e.g., on MC, not in Singapore etc) will need to complete their NRIC
registration at the ICA Building. More details on ICA’s operating hours
etc are at this link (
GCE O/N Level Practice |
Will the school be giving the students practice with 10-year series/past GCE O-Level papers from this year? |
Mr Chow PB / Mdm Chitra |
In Hougang Secondary School, it is common practice for subject teachers to get students to work on the ten-year-series. The subject teachers will advise students when to buy the ten-year-series and will use the GCE O/N-Level questions for lesson discussion, for practice and for homework, over the two years in Secondary 3 and 4. |
Sexuality Education |
The school conducts Sexuality Education lessons. Is BGR included in the lesson? |
Mrs Lee Yuzhen |
One of the four key messages of Sexuality Education is “Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families)”. Sexuality Education is delivered in a holistic manner. In Secondary three, the focus is on Respectful Relationships & Safety and the impact of BGR is discussed during the lessons. For more information on the lessons, please refer to our school website: |